“Kid of Action” is the name of my website. We (my mom and I) specifically chose the name, as it fits very well with what we want to accomplish. We want to encourage kids to be active, to go outside, to do better at school and to do hard things.

We came up with 6 principles that represent the true meaning of Kid of Action.

Here they are:

  • Act, Do, Complete, Accomplish 
  • Set a goal, achieve the goal
  • Do more than you suppose to
  • Never give up, be determined
  • Push the limits
  • Try new things

Do, act, complete, accomplish.

“Action is the foundational key to all success.”

– Pablo Picasso

Everything that we have in our lives is here  because someone was doing something. Our phones, our TVs, our light bulbs. 

If Thomas Edison decided not to do his laboratory experiments while he was young, we would not have the light in our houses as early as we did.

If Steve Jobs sat on a couch and watched TV all day, we would not have smartphones, as we have them right now.

We have comfort in everyday life because someone was acting, because someone was working, because someone was doing.

All of the accomplishments start with doing! Doing is acting! So act now, to complete, to accomplish and to achieve. 

Do more than you suppose to.

“When you do more than you’re paid for, eventually you’ll be paid for more than you do.”

– Zig ziglar

Do more than it is required from you! If you need to do 10 math problems, do 11. If you need to run 1 mile, run 1.5 mile. If you need to clean your room, clean the hall on top of it. 

It is an easy concept, but hard one at the same time. It requires more time and more discipline.

But it will pay out!  Do not trust me? Try it and see how your parents react. Teachers and coaches  will be surprised too.

You do not have to overexert yourself, just do a little bit more than what is asked from you.

Set a goal, work hard, achieve the goal.

“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible”

– Tony Robbins

I believe that one of the most important things in our lives  is to set goals. Without goals in our lives we are like a leaf boat floating on a river – the river takes us wherever it wants to. With goals we are like a motor boat going wherever we want on that river -we take ourselves to where we want to go. Goals give us direction in our lives, goals help us to push through hardship, goals are the steps to making our dreams come true. Without a goal our dreams are just desires. The dream will always stay a dream, if there is no goal and a plan behind it. 

I set goals every week.  They help me to stay focused and achieve more than I would have without them.

Never give up, be determined.

“Winners never quit, and quitters never win.”

– Vince lombardi

Sometimes when I train, it gets so hard: my muscles are burning, my head is exploding from overwhelming amounts of physical work, and my body wants to shut off.

When it happens I hear my mom’s voice in my head – “You can do it”. Somehow it helps me not to give up, somehow it helps me keep going.

I think the majority of our performance depends on our mindset. Mindset is how we think. For example we can think – “Oh, this assignment is so hard, I won’t be able to do it”, or you can think – “This assignment is not easy, but I can do it.” See the difference?

When you have the right mindset it helps you to be determined and that leads you to not giving up.

Push the limits.

“Push yourself to the edge of your limits. That’s how they expand”

– Robin Sharma

Pushing means – you apply a force onto something. Limit means – a level beyond you might not pass. Can you apply the force to go beyond that level? I believe so.

I think when you work hard and you are determined, you can go beyond the limit.

Very often we set our own limits. Let’s admit we can be lazy, sometimes we can be weak, and often we say “I can’t do it anymore”. This way of thinking is limiting us and we are choosing an easier path.

Pushing the limits involves “the right mindset”. If you think you can do something – most likely you will do it. If you say no, it is too hard – it will be too hard.

It is very important to work  on your mindset and convenience yourself that you can do more.

If we set our minds on going beyond what we are capable of, we can definitely push our own limits.

Try new things.

“If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.”


Trying new things can open doors to something that you do not even know was possible.

Some people might think that scuba diving is an impossible activity for a kid. I thought so at first. 

Then I decided to try it. It was amazing. It definitely opened doors of opportunity  to me.

If you try new things, you might find new hobbies, new opportunities and new passion for life.

Try something new and you won’t regret it.